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7:16 PM - Monday, Aug. 15, 2005
It is difficult to see yourself going in circles
Tripping against the same rock, over and over
Sections of your life seem to go on to better things
But sometimes, that which you want most may never seem to come along

This is why she sits alone
A gun in one hand and a dream in another
Visions of mother flood her mind
She must decide between ending her pain and creating it for others
A man can do this to a woman
Empty her of all her hopes
And leave her with nothing left to hold on to
It is a horrible thing to be left
Wondering and waiting
For that next chance
Or will it ever come along again?

Mother beckons to loosen the grip on the gun
To move that finger from the trigger
And to embrace the pain she can learn from
To accompany the solitude and find comfort
In being alone

Life will go on with or without her
Him included
And so she must succumb to continue this dreadful life she longs to lose
And to end
A man can do this, you know
He may empty but another can fulfill
And for that she must wait
And keep longing
For that hopeless dream
of love.



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